In vitro evaluation and molecular docking of QS-21 and quillaic acid from Quillaja saponaria Molina as gastric cancer agents

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Nano-scale quillaja extract can replicate fat for plant-based juiciness

Scientists are using Chilean quillaja extract to create nano-scale oleogels in plant-based proteins, mimicking the taste and texture of fat in meat and creating a ‘juicy’ product that, until now, has been “a real challenge”, says the Good Food Istitute. Quillaja, which is derived from the native Chilean Mapuche word ‘quillean’ that means ‘to wash’, […]

Benefits of Quillaja Saponaria for the Salmon Industry

“A safe, reliable, and natural solution for the salmon industry” After over five years of research collaboration between Desert King, leaders in the saponin market, and the Saponin Research Center (SRC), promising results have been achieved in reducing the impact of economically significant diseases in the salmon industry. These results are based on the use […]

Desert King International at VIV Asia 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis massa sit amet urna ultrices lobortis.  Vivamus vestibulum tellus ac purus imperdiet sagittis. Nullam nisl velit, pharetra vel accumsan ac, ultrices sed neque. Etiam faucibus leo et sapien fringilla tincidunt. Ut id mauris ut arcu tristique ornare non non tellus. Integer non dolor turpis. Suspendisse […]

Los nuevos usos del Quillay – El Mercurio

Quillay, un sofisticado y prometedor negocio – Diario Financiero

Notice from Las Vegas IFT 2017

19/07/2017 Mr. Ray Kramer for  

QS-21 enhances the early antibody response to oil adjuvant foot-and-mouth disease vaccine in cattle

Can Çokçalışkan, Tunçer Türkoğlu, Beyhan Sareyyüpoğlu, Ergün Uzunlu, Ayca Babak, Banu B. Özbilge, Veli Gülyaz Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most important animal diseases in the world. Although there are several methods to combat the disease, the preferred meth- od in endemic regions is vaccination. FMD vaccines are composed of inactivated whole virus particles and […]

Identification of QS-21 as an Inflammasome-activating Molecular Component of Saponin Adjuvants

Robyn Marty-Roix, Gregory I. Vladimer, Kimberly Pouliot, Dan Weng, Rachel Buglione-Corbett, Kim West,John D. MacMicking, Jonathan D. Chee, Shixia Wang, Shan Lu, and Egil Lien Many immunostimulants act as vaccine adjuvants via activa- tion of the innate immune system, although in many cases it is unclear which specific molecules contribute to the stimulatory activity. QS-21 […]

J. Biol. Chem. 2015 Marty Roix jbc.M115.683011

Identification of QS-21 as an inflammasome-activating molecular component of saponin adjuvants Robyn Marty-Roix, Gregory I. Vladimer, Kimberly Pouliot, Dan Weng, Rachel Buglione- Corbett†, Kim West, John D. MacMicking, Jonathan D. Chee, Shixia Wang, Shan Lu, Egil Lien, Many immunostimulants act as vaccine adjuvants via activation of the innate immune system, although it is in many […]

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